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Transitioning from pediatric to adult health care presents significant challenges for children with special health care needs (CSHCN) and transition-age youth with disabilities. This process often leads to gaps in care, resulting in adverse health outcomes and frustration for both patients and their families. Barriers to Health Care Transition (HCT) include: Feelings of inadequacy in caring for certain disability conditions among health care providers. Inadequate planning and support during the transition process from pediatric to adult health care. Lack of communication, care coordination, guidelines, and protocols between pediatric and adult health care systems. Our training series aims to equip pediatric and adult healthcare professionals with strategies to ensure a successful healthcare transition for this underserved population. Participants will gain expertise in providing care for patients with disabilities and special healthcare needs, learn how the Social Model of Disability can aid in identifying and addressing ableism within healthcare settings, and strategies to support a successful transition from pediatric to adult healthcare.

  • Date:3/7/2024 12:00 PM - 4/10/2024 01:00 PM
  • Location Online Event